It’s a Dog’s Life
Hi there. Welcome back! Today, we start a new The BlogAdda Weekly, titled The Pet Project, which is definitely our pet project. A lot of people in the world are pet lovers, and these fur babies are the apples of their family’s eyes. Animals show us what unconditional love looks like, and make us better human beings for sure. While we need language to communicate to other humans, the language barrier is really no barrier for our pets, who understand only the language of love. But really, what are they thinking? Do they think of us as big furless pals or their masters? We decided to hazard a guess, and that’s the beginning of The Pet Project. Each week we will feature a story from the point of view of our beloved companions. This week, it is the turn of the beloved furry canine companion, who has become legendary for his loyalty and playfulness. What would a day look like from a dog’s point of view? Let’s have a look shall we? Woof!
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