BlogAdda’s Spicy Saturday Picks – Mar. 27, ’10

Spicy SaturdayAbhishek Bachchan says ‘I’m Switching Off are you?’. Many Cities in the world will be supporting earth hour today at 8.30 pm IST.  Do switch off the lights for one hour and be a part of the cause. If you are watching IPL, make sure you atleast switch off the lights. 🙂 In other news, Twestival was a roaring success and we are proud to have been a part of such a noble cause as partners with Twestival India. Do have a look at hundreds of photos from Twestival across the globe. For now, here are this week’s Spicy Saturday Picks.

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Interview with Beth Kanter

When our team was covering the NASSCOM Leadership Forum 2010 live from the venue, we met a lot of interesting personalities and few of them agreed to do an interview with us. One among them believes that she can use Social Media for Social Good.  She is a trainer, coach, and consultant to nonprofits in the area of effective technology use and has the expertise in how to use new web tools to support nonprofit goals. We are proud to present to you the Video Interview in HD quality of Beth Kanter. A lady who is an inspiration to many and a person from whom one can learn how to use Social Media effectively to help so many souls. Here is the all exclusive interview with Beth Kanter.

On the occasion of Twestival being celebrated worldwide today, which promotes Social Media for Social Good, Beth Kanter is the most appropriate person to be introduced today.

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A tale of two states – Blog and Life

To change is the rule of nature. Evolution is the one continuous process that drives mankind. A blog was merely a space to burst out my musings when I started one, years back. I had not been through many blogs then, all I knew was one that belonged to my senior from college. I used to read his posts with awe and wish that someday I would write better! An ignition was what I was waiting for. In Coehlo’s words ‘the universe began to conspire’, a bout of depressive waves struck me and there came in my google account. A page was created in blogspot. The rest was magic.

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BlogAdda’s Tangy Tuesday Picks – Mar. 23, ’10

Tangy Tuesday PicksOn March 25, 2010, 7 cities in India will celebrate a festival called Twestival (Find out if your city is hosting a Twestival). Twestival is not only for users who are on twitter, it is for everyone who supports social change. Indian Bloggers and Indian Twitter Users make a lot of difference when they join hands together to support a cause. Twestival is one such effort. Another effort is called Tangy Tuesday Picks where BlogAdda picks the best blog posts for you from the Indian Blogging Community. Here are this week’s Tangy Tuesday Picks.

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Twestival in India at 7 cities!

Update: Do check out for complete coverage of Twestival across the globe!

It is amazing how much you can accomplish when it doesn’t matter who gets the credit. You could say this is one of the main reasons Twestival is what it is today. It’s because of the thousands of volunteers who dedicate their time, efforts and energies to make sure a global initiative like Twestival is successful in accomplishing its goal of helping the nonprofit.

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Perky Tweets – Mar. 22, ‘10

BlogAdda's perky TweetsThe organization of Indian Twitter Users (OITU) last week trended a hashtag called #lsdknockoffs. Again the creativity flowed and approx. 1,772 tweets were hashtagged. Every week we see a lot of hashtags trending which were started by OITU. But there is one hashtag which trends week after week and make people laugh. It is called #perkytweets. Here is this week’s laughter dose!

The organization of Indian Twitter Users (OITU) also have a very important announcement to make. On 25 March, 7 cities across India will celebrate Twestival. You being a part of OITU are requested to join in and take part in the Twestival. Vaijayanthi (@adropofwisdom) has this post as well. Do read it and contribute your best. Do attend the twestival and you can contribute to a cause. Don’t miss it and tell your friends as well.

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