BlogAdda’s Tangy Tuesday Picks – Sep. 22, ’09

Tangy Tuesday PicksRaua kaisan baani? (How are you? in Bhojpuri). Friends, How are the Navratri Celebrations going on? Garba ramo cho ne. The bear market is going up, the housing rates are down, the electronics majors are offering huge discounts. It is time for celebration. It is time for major purchases. If you plan to buy some tee shirts do have a look at aTEEtude. We help the bloggers celebrate by picking their best posts in our weekly picks. Here are this week’s Tangy Tuesday picks.

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Perky Tweets – Sep. 21, ’09

BlogAdda's perky TweetsEid Mubarak to all our Muslim readers. The whole team at BlogAdda wishes you all and may you have an awesome year ahead. Co-incidentally the colour of the day in the Navratri festival is white and people celebrating Eid wear white as well. Is this some sign from god that he wants peace and prosperity and no one should fight in the name of Religion? It is time for celebration and sevaiyaan. It is time for #perkytweets as well.

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aTEEtude of Giving

aTEEtudeThis Sunday many families would have done their house cleaning chores. Many items would have been allocated for underprivileged people. They would even get more happy if they get something brand new. Here is an opportunity where you can make a difference.

There is a thick line that separates Disposal from Charity. Charity begins at home, however, getting rid of unwanted things lying at home is better known as disposal.

The act of Giving is more than what meets the eye. It takes the right attitude and genuine spirit to give v/s to discard.

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BlogAdda’s Spicy Saturday Picks – Sep. 19, ’09

Spicy Saturday Meeru Baagunnara? (How are you? in Telugu). The festive season starts from today. Our festive season started a day earlier when we released BlogAdda’s first ever interview as a Podcast of none other than the beautiful Gul Panag. Most of the Indian Bloggers and Indian Twitter users heard it on their Mp3 players, ipods, desktops and some over the dining table. 🙂 You can listen to it and read the best blog posts from the Indian Blogosphere. Here are the best posts from the Indian Blogosphere.

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Interview with Gul Panag

We have a very special person interviewed for you this week. She is a beauty with a brain and fascinated by Web and Social Media. 🙂 One of the few actors from the world of Indian Cinema who blogs regularly and has one of the largest following on twitter. You can also find her exploring new places and off-roading regularly. We enter the Gulspace to get an all exclusive interview with Gul Panag. For the first time, we have an interview as a podcast so that you can hear the answers in the lovely voice of Gul. Get ready to enter into Gul Space.

Gul Panag Interview

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Thank you Radio One and Miss Malini

Thank you Miss Malini and Radio One, Mumbai

We at BlogAdda strive to bring the best to the community. One of our endeavours to benefit the community was our association with Radio One and Miss Malini (Read her latest post Imran Khan’s Radio Playlist) for our #perkytweets. Every Monday, on the show ‘Malini till midnight’ perky tweets selected by us were read out at Radio One, Mumbai and it was fun for the listeners and those whose tweets were being read. (C’mon, they won free goodies!)

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