Eureka! – Asia’s Largest Business Plan Competition

ā€œWe are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situationsā€ – Charles R. Swindoll. And we introduce you to one such brilliant opportunity, specially for individuals who generate new ideas and are interested in building their own start-up. Eureka!, Asia’s Largest Business Plan Competition, launched on 1st Sept ā€˜11, is a platform for budding entrepreneurs who want to make it big with their own start-up company.

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Interview with Deeba Rajpal

ā€œFind something you’re passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it.ā€ – Julia Child. For someone who has been baking at home for over 15 years, passion is what makes her enjoy it even today. She calls herself a ‘Domestic Engineer’ and believes blogging has taken over her life since 2007. ‘Doing Food From Scratch’ is the mantra of her blog. We are all set to welcome the person who has made baking very interesting and taken to the next level in India. Say Hello to Deeba Rajpal, the blogger behind one of the finest baking and food blogs in India, Passionate about Baking. Pre-heat your oven’s as we are sure, you will get the urge to bake something after reading this interview.

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The Secret of the Nagas

Less than a week ago, we announcedĀ Amish Tripathi’s two books for review ‘The Immortals of the Meluha’ and ‘The Secret of the Nagas’. We have received a great response for it and the applications are closed now. Many people, who have already readĀ ‘The Immortals of the Meluha’, requested to receive just the second book of the series. Your wish is our command! šŸ™‚Ā We are giving away second book of the Shiva Trilogy –Ā ‘The Secret of the Nagas’, exclusively to the people who have read the first book –Ā ‘The Immortals of the Meluha’. Since, both the books are a part of a trilogy and one cannot jump to the second book without reading the first, this book will only be given to the people who have read the first book.

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Apply for INK Fellows 2011

The INK conference was a splendid experience last year. We introduced you earlier toĀ some of the key speakers at the INK conference and we are back again with it, to tell you something about theĀ 2011 INK Fellows program this time. INK Fellows are basically emerging leaders, who are trendsetters and have done something innovative in their respective fields of interest. With their thoughts and ideas, they inspire others and make way for modernization of technologies and invention of unexplored viewpoints.

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