Why Businesses Must Embrace Social Media

I was munching some chips the other day and going through information listed on the packet. Among ingredients, manufacturing and expiry dates, was a postal address and telephone number for any suggestions or complaints. I wondered if any of us have ever really bothered to go back with any kind of feedback to these companies – good or otherwise. I mean who is going to call, forget sending a letter.

However, these days, given the popularity of social media, we will definitely let our friends and followers know – through a status update or a tweet – about how awesome or gruesome a product or service was.

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Optimizing Google Adsense

Google Adsense is one of the most popular programs used to make money from blogging. Millions of bloggers publishing Adsense on their blog always wanted to know how to increase their earnings from Adsense. Usually the CTR (click through ratio) of Adsense is from 0.5% to 2.5% for blogs having 1000 or more page views per day. But if we can increase CTR we can earn more from same number of page views.

So here I would like to share my ideas and tips on optimizing Google Adsense i.e. how to increase CTR. Please note that these ideas and tips are based on my own experiments carried out on 20 blogs.

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A tale of two states – Blog and Life

To change is the rule of nature. Evolution is the one continuous process that drives mankind. A blog was merely a space to burst out my musings when I started one, years back. I had not been through many blogs then, all I knew was one that belonged to my senior from college. I used to read his posts with awe and wish that someday I would write better! An ignition was what I was waiting for. In Coehlo’s words β€˜the universe began to conspire’, a bout of depressive waves struck me and there came in my google account. A page was created in blogspot. The rest was magic.

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The deal with Social Media

Long lost friends are no longer far or connected via snail mail, they feel as close as ever with a Facebook or an Orkut. Business communications isn’t about exchanging business cards and connecting when work arrives, its about keeping in continuous sync with your contacts (LinkedIN). From printing photos and mailing across CD’s to sharing them on a Picasa or Flickr we have come a long way with Social Media already.

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And then there was Blogging…

Roshni Mulchandani

I never quite understood the point of blogging; it was like an open diary to the world. Why would anyone want to pen their feelings in a portal for the World Wide Web to read? It made no sense. However, as much as I claim that I’m a non-conformist, I finally succumbed and found myself lost in blogging world. The benefits, I soon learnt were phenomenal and most importantly, it allowed myself to speak my mind.

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