I never quite understood the point of blogging; it was like an open diary to the world. Why would anyone want to pen their feelings in a portal for the World Wide Web to read? It made no sense. However, as much as I claim that I’m a non-conformist, I finally succumbed and found myself lost in blogging world. The benefits, I soon learnt were phenomenal and most importantly, it allowed myself to speak my mind.
Very quickly I was sucked into constant blogging; whether it was my day, an issue that bothered me or even some nippy trivia that humored me. So off I went happily down the lane to Blogger Avenue getting more and more sucked in.
With social networking taking over the internet, blogging felt like just another trend which would soon fade into oblivion. Wrong. While social networking sites have gained much popularity, it is the blogging world that has become one to beckon with.
Like any other blogger, I too found myself engrossed by the uniqueness behind the concept of blogging.
But the benefits proved to be much larger than merely a portal from which one could pen thoughts. I found myself constantly reading or rather educating myself with greater ideas that were unknown to me.
My personal blog began as an outlet to voice my opinions. Over time I found myself searching for blogs all over the internet simply because I wanted to be inspired. And it wasn’t just literary inspiration I was hungry for but new ideas and ideal which blogging managed to do.
My personal blog began as an outlet to voice my opinions.
For example, I one day managed to stumble over Shobhaa De‘s blog which is filled with humorous and more serious material. Compared to what she usually writes, De’s blog was more natural and free flowing. From then on, I was exposed to a new brand and genre of writing. And it didn’t necessarily have to be a celebrity blog; even more interesting were those blogs who didn’t hold a famous last name.
There is no editing, no barriers and certainly no word count involved in blogging.
After a while, it seemed that blogging had gained an immense amount of importance because of the uniqueness it possessed. There is no editing, no barriers and certainly no word count involved in blogging.
I am reminded of an I.T. term I was taught in high school: WYSIWYG. Decoded the acronym stood for: What You See Is What You Get. Simply put blogging is just that; writing it as you see it with no boundaries.
Google “Blogging” and the number of definitions are infinite. But ultimately the experience that blogging brings is personal and exclusive to every individual.
Personally, the blogging world opened up a range of new ideas, themes and people. Through a variety of blogs, I have managed to formulate new friendships through blogging in the form of comments which have lead to meaningful discussion and even arguments. Needless to say, they have gone from educational to nasty and even borderline warzone but the groups that have formed from these blogersations, have been incredibly exceptional because of the manner in which they were created. And it wasn’t just mere friendships that were created; associations formed and ideas were shared simultaneously. One could choose to accept, reject or debate these ideas but ignore, you could not.
Google “Blogging” and the number of definitions are infinite. But ultimately the experience that blogging brings is personal and exclusive to every individual. Looking for a way to express yourself or an interesting set of online bloggers who share your passion then blogging is for you. The definition is yours to classify and yours to vary; there is no limit to blogging.
About Roshni Mulchandani: Write, write and write. That’s all I love to do. Blogging of course, makes up a big part of my weekly writing assignments. Now I find myself blogging when for every small or big reason, for no rhyme or reason and for every purpose. And when I’m not blogging myself, I sit in front of my laptop reading random blogs which give me inspire me to blog yet again.
Catch Roshni at Blog, Twitter and BlogAdda
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Nice! That seems like a story of many Bloggers around in the Blogosphere!
Thank you very much for making me sit and cherish the journey which i started in 2006 and it still goes on…{which is almost similar to yours}
when the reality around us is quite obverse,blog provides part of moral sustenance. allowing us to pen down our thoughts,anger,frustration,moments of joy and of course,not to forget the valuable feedback{comments}
Blogger is my gateway to #fb and twitter as well 🙂
Nice read and hope you continue your journey…all the Very best and have fun 😀
God bless you 🙂
Thanks good info..
Blogging seems to be on cloud 9..
Blogging has definitely found a place in people’s minds just as microblogging like twitter has. I am glad I have discovered this revolution rather late than never! Having a great time blogging.
liked your views.really there is no limit to blogging!
Guess what … One day I heard of this thing called adsense … And then I was told that I need to have a blog in order to get the most out of adsense …. And then I started blogging …
But things changed … I abandoned that blog … was banned from adsense … but then I started my own personal blog … and guess what .. There has been no looking back since then … I have been loving the journey so far ..!!! 😀 😀 😀 …
Different people, Different mindsets, Same platform blogging.
A very interesting and Amusing Piece! 🙂
nice post, blogging brings the best of you, it helps you to recognize & showcase a creative part of you which may not have had a chance in this professional world characterized by mundane office work, personally i never knew i could write this well , blogging helped me gain confidence in myself, appreciating the point that i can write well !
my observation is that people blog to have a feel good factor.
I think ppl blog to share personal experience, feelings to the world …
Its really good