Let the world hear your #SoundOfLove and win a gold band!

The sound of your lover’s voice, the beep of your phone when you get a message from your spouse, listening to your partner’s heartbeats and knowing that everything is well with the world ā€“ so many things about love are related to sound, right?

They say that if it’s not passionate or crazy, it’s not love. If you believe this to be true, then we have the perfect activity for you. BlogAdda in association with BlueStone presents #SoundOfLove where your crazy love story can win you a pure gold #SoundOfLove band!


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What would you do if you got a #SecondChance?

Every time we feel like taking a break, we check the calendar longingly for the next long weekend. Some of us wish to take our parents on a foreign trip, but put it off because ‘my expenses are getting out of hand at the moment’. Even something simple like spending time with kids is deferred to the next weekend because you’re too tired after a hectic week at work.


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Is Laundry only a woman’s job? You decide!

When it comes to showing a woman’s daily routine, be it in ads, TV shows or movies, washing clothes is an activity that is never left out. Why talk about fiction, when most of us have grown up seeing the women in our house sweat for hours, doing the laundry for the whole family.

Washing machines made the job a little easier, but using the machineĀ and drying clothes is still the prerogative of a woman, whether she is working or not.

Does this look like the scenario in your house? Then you’d like to blog for #IsLaundryOnlyAWomansJob, an activity presented by BlogAdda in association with Ariel.

ariel-blogadda-contest (1)

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Blog for #UseYourAnd and Take a Stand

Update: We now have a judge on board to decide the winner for the Gillette Venus #UseYourAnd activity. Read to the end of the post to find out who it is!

ā€œYou can be either a good wife OR a surgeonā€

ā€œDecide if you want to be a good daughter OR an actressā€

ā€œChoose between being a banker OR being in a bandā€

Haven’t girls everywhere heard this or a version of this ultimatum? Where it looks like you are being given a choice, but it actually is a thinly veiled ultimatum?

#UseYourAnd activity


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