Interview with Anu Vaidyanathan

In our society, academics have always been preferred over sports. For example, if you ask the child next door who or what ‘Ironman’ is? They will reply ‘The superhero’. Today at your Adda we have someone who is the ONLY Indian (male or female) to qualify for the Half Ironman World Championships and the first Asian (male or female) to compete and finish Ultraman, a three day triathlon stage race comprising a 10K swim, 420K bike ride and an 84.4K run. Presenting to you an interview with the amazing Anu Vaidyanathan who is an INK fellow 2012.

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BlogAdda’s Spicy Saturday Picks – Oct. 20, ’12

Spicy SaturdayRising food prices kept 8 million Indians chained to poverty says a UN report. The prices will continue rising and these numbers will go on increasing unless the governments starts taking corrective steps. The rich should not get even richer and the poor should not get even poorer. What do you think? ‘If I had the power to change something, I would change….‘ is our theme for WOW this week. Let us write and make a difference. Also do check out our contest in association with Badhai where you can win prizes worth Rs 10000. A lot of things to do this weekend. For starters, let us read the Spicy Saturday Picks.

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Featured Author: Ravi Subramanian

Ever wondered what If God was a Banker? One among us imagined and authored a best selling book on this. After that he bought the Monk’s Ferrari and today he has become The Incredible Banker. 🙂 Today at your Adda, we have the award winning author of four bestselling books Ravi Subramanian, a master storyteller of financial crime and winner of the Golden Quill Readers Choice Award. We speak about his books, his family, his life and much much more. Are you ready?

Ravi Subramanian

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