10 must have recipes during Holi!

Holi is hardly a month away and it won’t be long before preparations for the festival of colour begin in true earnest. Holi is not just about colouring your friends’ faces till they’re unrecognizable and then spending the rest of the day trying to scrub the colour off your face and hair. It is also about gorging on delicious food, made specially for Holi. After all, the fun and running around is bound to make you hungry! Here are some special Holi recipes for you to try, and watch as your creations disappear on Holi day!


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Top 10 romantic getaways for Valentines Day

The powers that be have been kind enough to people in love this year with Valentines Day falling on Saturday. What better way to celebrate the day of love than whisking off your loved one to a weekend of romance? So put in a sick leave on Friday (if your boss asks, you didn’t get the idea from BlogAdda) and take off for a ‘love’ly weekend to these romantic getaways close to metro cities, yet quite blissfully far!


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Good News to cheer up your 2015!

As a race, humans are a cynical lot. That is why tragedies, crime, scams and failures tend to hog all the headlines while good news is pushed to the inside pages of a newspaper, IF it manages to find some space, that is. The saying ‘No news is good news’ has been turned on its head and now it’s ‘Good news is no news’. Well, we don’t agree and to prove it, we bring you a chunk of positivity from the month gone by.

Cover Pick


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Blogging mistakes that you should avoid

Most people turn to blogging because of the freedom that it offers them. Freedom of expression, freedom of when and what to post and even what the blog should look like. A few bloggers take this privilege too lightly and end up making mistakes that have an adverse effect on their blog. Here are some of the blogging mistakes that you should avoid, if you want your blog to prosper.




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11 Health Trends that will benefit you in 2015

Everybody who resolved to get healthier in 2015 raise their hands! Wow, we can see a lot of hands which brings us to the next obvious question- How exactly do you plan to make yourself fitter this year? There are loads of training programs and diets you can try, or you can go through this list of 10 health trends that will actually do good to you and get started on your resolution.

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Best of 2014: Global Digital Marketing Campaigns

Digital marketing campaigns are not a new currency. But until recently, they were used to prop up offline marketing activities, never seen as a stand alone strategy. In 2014, we saw an increasing number of brands going for pure digital marketing campaigns and with the number of people spending time online, it is no surprise that they worked very well.


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