IIIT Allahabad Organises Effervescence 2017

“I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past” – Thomas Jefferson

The glory of past events acts like a standard for subsequent years that you’re expected to supersede. That’s what our young friends at IIIT Allahabad have in mind, as they organise the 14th edition of their fabulous college fest – Comio presents Effervescence’17 in association with MTV Beats and VH1.

IIT Allahabad Effervescence 2017

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Share YOUR Way Of Being Healthy

Everyone wants to be healthy and yet we struggle with it a lot. To be healthy, you worry about the extra time which you will have to take out in your life or the morning sleep you will have to sacrifice for that yoga class. Being healthy might also mean that you will have to sacrifice your food and switch to a diet you don’t like. You almost feel judged whether you are doing enough. And then with these thoughts in your mind, health becomes this difficult pursuit resulting in a constant struggle to make it a part of everyday life.

Saffola - Share YOUR way of being healthy

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