Perky Tweets – Sep. 7, ’09

BlogAdda's perky TweetsHave you ever imagined that the one day you will see the Indian Epics, Mahabharata and Ramayana on Facebook and Twitter? The internet as a medium has a lot of things which you would have never imagined.  Read Mahabharata on Facebook by Krish Ashok @ and Ramayan by Kokonad @ . You can also follow @epicretold for the chronicles of Mahabharata. Twitter has a lot of interestingness to it and our #perkytweets are one of them. Here are this week’s #perkytweets for you.

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BlogAdda’s Spicy Saturday Picks – Sep. 5, ’09

Spicy SaturdayKa haal ba (How are you in Bhojpuri). Happy Teachers Day to all the teachers who at some point in everyone’s life make a big difference. The team @BlogAdda salute all the teachers as it is because of your blessings and teachings, we are here. The rains have made a guest appearance. Hope they stay for some more time. It is time for something spicy in this rainy weather. Why not Spicy Saturday Picks? 🙂

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Interview with Arun Prabhudesai of

This week, we have a very successful entrepreneur and an equally successful blogger. He is the Co-founder and CEO of He blogs at which is one of India’s most successful Business Blogs. Here is the brains behind and – Arun Prabhudesai. Read what Arun has to say about Startups, blogging in India and much more…

Arun Prabhudesai

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BlogAdda’s Tangy Tuesday Picks – Sep. 1, ’09

Tangy Tuesday PicksHabari (Hello in Swahili). The month of September is here. We witnessed two important milestones in the Indian Sporting Scene. First was the all important victory in the Nehru Cup Football tournament where India beat Syria. Secondly, Force India got its first podium finish in the Formula One. It is glad to see sporting news other than cricket making headlines. Talking about headlines, we have the posts which will create headlines in the Indian Blogosphere. Here are this week’s Tangy Tuesdays.

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Perky Tweets – Aug. 31, ’09

BlogAdda's perky TweetsThe month of September is round the corner. The month of festivals. Its the time for celebrations. One of the tweets said that ‘Ganesh Chathurthi and Ramzan was on the same day. Was it some kind of message?’ asked the tweeter. An interesting thought provoking tweet indeed. There are also some amazing tweets on Twitter that will Perk you up called the #perkytweets. Get ready to be engulfed in the #perkytweets effect!

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