Interview with Lakshmipathy Bhat

When one graduates in zoology, you expect the person to become a zoologist. But, the person whom we have interviewed today chose to pursue a career in advertising. So how and why did this transformation happen? Let us ask the person himself. Today at your Adda, we have Lakshmipathy Bhat, Vice President of a communications agency and one of the top bloggers in India blogging on advertising trends and insights on digital advertising. He loves all things Apple, authentic Udupi food, gadgets, cricket and lots more. Let us hear his story in this exclusive interview. 🙂

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A prominent creation in the field of modern Bengali literature, is up for review at your Adda. Humor and fiction wrapped in one novel – Harbart by Nabarun Bhattacharya and translated in English by Arunava Sinha.  This novel involves a murder mystery. Interested in knowing what the book is all about? Scroll down:

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BlogAdda’s Tangy Tuesday Picks – Dec. 13, ’11

Tangy Tuesday PicksWe are back after 4 days of awesomeness at the INK conference at Jaipur. we are back to aamchi Mumbai. We met a man who rowed across the atlantic, . We met a woman who scaled the mount everest. We met a musician who became the doctor and started healing patients through his music. We met an artist who took us on a visual journey for the 4 days we were there. 🙂 These were some of the people whom we met, you can read about our experience here. Time now to read on what we missed reading from the Indian Blogosphere. Here are the Tangy Tuesday Picks.

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