Tangy Tuesday Picks – June 15, 2021

Hello Bloggers!

2022 is just 6 months away. We know it has been a tough year for everyone. For a moment though, if you have to think about yourself, what have you been able to learn and achieve in the past 6 months and how did you structure your life so that you could achieve those? Do let us know in the comments section. While we are kicking off this new week with some planned productivity, we have compiled a list of the best new blogposts to read.

Best New Blogposts To Read - Tangy Tuesday Picks - June 15, 2021
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WOW: Write A Story About Your Adventure As A Raindrop

Hello bloggers!

Let’s welcome June with open arms of renewed energy and appreciating the earthy aroma as we begin this rainy season. A particularly favourite treat for this season would be blogging and reading with a drizzling view from our window. Who doesn�t find satisfaction in writing while listening to rumbles of thunder? We have got an interesting writing prompt for you to get started this weekend.

Write A Story About Your Adventure As A Raindrop
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Tangy Tuesday Picks – June 8, 2021

There’s no such thing as too many blogposts to read, hai na? Blogs are the best way to learn things quickly and efficiently from the person who shares his/her experience with you. If you want your blogpost to feature in our Tangy Tuesday Picks & Spicy Saturday Picks, do tip us on social media. We are back with our weekly reading list for this week. Now all you have to do is, make some hot pakoras and chai to enjoy them.

Weekly Reading List - Tangy Tuesday Picks - June 8, 2021
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Tangy Tuesday Picks – June 1st, 2021

Monday morning blues have finally said goodbye and we look forward to a fresh and drizzling June. The cloudy sky, rain pouring on green plants, and damp roads make for a good view from a window. A good blog post to read on a rainy day is equal to having hot chocolate during winter. All you have to do now is get comfy, grab your snacks, and a phone/tablet in your hand to enjoy this week’s Tangy Picks.

Rainy Day Reading
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