Spicy Saturday Picks – October 15, 2016

Spicy Saturday Picks by BlogAdda

Are you looking for some quick reading stuff to keep that cup of coffee as blissful as ever? Well, reading often comes handy to bloggers and tops our fitness regime of the day. To keep your Saturday healthy as ever, here are some incredible posts we hunted down from the blogosphere! So spice up your weekend morning with these awesome picks and enjoy the day! If you’re interested in getting your post featured with us, submit your blog posts to us!

  • Who: Ruchira Khanna
  • What: “Today’s Woman: Living in the wild world”
  • Spicy: As India basked in the religious glory of Durga, pampering the goddess as she departs for her stellar abode, the ironies that our country stays dipped in often surface to the naked eye. While our cultural heritage speaks highly of women, keeping them synonymous to the pious and pure goddesses, the social environment given to the living version of the same goddess is many times a question mark. Would our faith ever find logic and implementation around us?

  • Who: Arvind Passey
  • What: “Dussehara Changes Nothing Because We Haven’t Really Changed
  • Spicy: Every year we celebrate the victory of good over the evil as we incinerate all that’s bad and negative with the ten headed Ravan. We are often bombarded with a spin off to the years old tradition, questioning if it still makes sense. Does the evil loose in reality too? Rather than putting this question off, Arvind addresses the query. The evil stays as our society thrives within crime, hatred, jealousy and everything that attracts the dark. Isn’t it high time to look into the Ravan that resides within, set it on fire once and for all?

  • Who: Hemu Saini
  • What: “Aiyo! How To Save A Language From Extinction
  • Spicy: Globalisation has not just created fluid economy. It has also allowed smooth flow of dialogue across borders though widely accepted languages. As certain languages sink into the leading chair, world is forgetting dialects and native languages known to hold an equally rich heritage and sagas. To keep the doorway to our ancestral homes and native past open, language must be saved from fading away under the modern cult. With the extinction of native languages, we are slowly detaching from the strings of heirloom.

  • Who: Ankita Bhatia Dhawan
  • What: Don‘t Ask If You Don’t Want To Know”
  • Spicy: These days, every conversation pops up with a ‘How are you?’. Irrespective of how well acquainted the person behind the query be, the question lands in our lap quite a few times a day. Synonymous to a mere ‘Hi’, how much are we actually interested in knowing the answer to it. Give it a thought, you might want to either stop asking or wait until you’ve actually heard their side of the story!

  • Who: Parnashree Devi
  • What: “Introducing Ayutthaya:The Ruin City of Thailand”
  • Spicy: Bangkok usually takes the limelight and is your first go to destination when you book the flights to Thailand. Parnashree gets to us a completely new side of Thailand, with Ayutthaya, the ruin city that is a visual platter full of history, architecture and nature. Get ready for a heritage dip as you skim through some amazing pictures on her post!

  • Who: Rekha Nair Dhyani
  • What: “Your Scars are Very Beautiful!”
  • Spicy: We often see beauty through the physical realms. How we look speaks much before our personality for people to perceive us. However, nothing is perfect. Even the prettiest of things have imperfections, some visible to the eye and others in the persona they may carry. Each one of us has a scar, making us unique and beautiful in our own way. Accept your scars, for they make you who you are!

  • Who: Ritu Lalit
  • What: “I Won’t Attend My Own Wedding
  • Spicy: Weddings are a big affair in India and no less than a festival. It is not just about tying a knot between two families, it is the perfect canvas for all the drama. From fun, fervour to bringing out revenges of the past to fighting over the guest list, a wedding planning is no less than an Indian soap playing on loop in a family. Here is some khatta meetha dialogue as a family prepares for the big day!

Are you a sole-mate and in love with yourself? Looking out for the next destination for a sole date? Here we have the best destinations for a solo trip in India. Pack your bags and get going for these places have nature at its best! You can now tip your blog posts for Tangy Tuesday and Spicy Saturday Picks right from our homepage. Click on the tabs and submit your posts. You can also tip us on Twitter @blogadda or using our contact form. If selected, you’ll be credited for it and the readers will get a chance to read something worthy.

If you need to crack the TTP/SSP/WOW code, check out this video:

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