WOW- “Dear, 16 Year Old Me”

Life is measured by the years we live. Each year passing by brings in a new change. The 16th year of our lives is a salient one, as this period of teenage is nestled between childhood and adulthood. We start to contemplate things according to our understanding. The 16 year olds develop their own life’s philosophy to achieve their goals. The ‘handle with care’ phase brims with so many dreams and aspirations in our hearts. We decide what we want, we weave it, we get ready and then move forward with this belief, that one day all of it will make sense!


This week’s WOW prompt is: “Dear, 16 Year Old Me”

Yes, it is very important to set life’s goals. To see our wishes turn into reality. Remember how we used to think about our future? How we dabbled amidst so many things to achieve our goals? Have you stopped at a moment and chuckled at the young version of yours? Do you look back at your risks, mistakes, blunders or the best versions of your? Would you like to talk to the 16 year old you once again, maybe for a kudos note or a ‘Be Careful’ signboard?

This week, we want you to write a letter to your 16 year old self. Rewind and stop by at the 16th year of your life. What would you tell your 16 year old self? Grab your laptops and start the strangest letter of your life, to the young you- naive and innocent at the same time. Let there be an open dialogue to your heart’s content and let us have a glimpse of your colloquy. This weekend, Let’s get in touch with your 16 year old self!

Bloggers are requested to add the mandate line in their post and submit their entry through the submission form for their WOW entry to be considered valid. Remember, you have time only till Sunday midnight to submit your blog posts and have a chance to get the WOW badge!

Include this code:

‘This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.’

Good news! There is now an easier way to submit your WOW entries, so just click on the submission link below for your WOW entry to be considered valid.

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Every weekend, we give creative writing prompts for you to write blog posts. Hope you enjoy our creative writing inspiration for this week. 🙂

8 Replies to “WOW- “Dear, 16 Year Old Me””

  1. Hi im the admin of the blog untold views of our life
    We started working as a team its a 6 member team and looking forward to add creative writers.
    Its a literature, and philosophy blog mainly….but we also post on other niches also. Because many writers need their own category to write. Si feel free to check our blog. Hope you all will like it.
    Thank you.

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