Book Review – ‘6 Degrees: Game Of Blogs’

UPDATE #2: Whoa! 6 Degrees: Game of Blogs is on fire! We’re happy, and a little overwhelmed by the response that the book has gotten from reviewers! So we’re adding 50 more copies of the book to the haul! But this time, with a twist! We want video reviews, so if you’re keen on talking about the book on camera, click on the link below! People who have already applied for the review can apply too, and fresh registrations are always welcome! Do it now, we know you want to! Scroll down below for video guidelines. 

UPDATE: Due to the overwhelming number of responses for the 6 Degrees: Game of Blogs Review, we’re increasing the number of books to 50! Yes, so get your hands on it till the books last, because they’re not going to be available for long!

Creativity takes a different form in every person, which is why the essence of stories that everyone tells is different and unique. The Game of Blogs activity by BlogAdda brought together the story telling skills of bloggers across India, resulting in the country’s first collaborative blogging creation – a book called 6 Degrees. This book is the labour of love of the top 3 teams of the Game of Blogs activity as it is a collection of three exciting tales! Would you like to review this unique book and go on a journey with the 6 Degrees characters?

indian book review

We are giving away 10 copies of the book ‘6 Degrees’ for review, so read the overview and proceed to apply to review this book!


The Game Of Blogs activity got bloggers acquainted with 5 very different and intriguing characters and they had to weave stories around them, and add some of their own characters. This ‘method to madness’ is what gave rise to myriad stories, all revolving around Shekhar, Tara, Roohi, Cyrus and Jennifer and their intertwining lives. The book also owes its name 6 Degrees to this interwoven nature of the story and the fact that bloggers all over India had to connect with each other to build this story. Read the journey of Game of Blogs here.

The 3 best stories of the lot from the teams Team ByLines, Team Potliwale Baba and Team Tete-e-ten have been compiled into the book 6 Degrees, and we’re sure you’ll reviewing the book, because where else will you get to read 3 different stories with the same characters in one book?


The review should be of 500+ words and should be posted on your blog within 7 days from the day you receive the book. In your review, tell us about the story, the writing style of the author, main characters, their description, your likes, dislikes, expectations, etc. 

To be able to review this book, you need to be a registered member of BlogAdda and your blog should be submitted & approved by BlogAdda. You should also have signed up for the Book Review Programme. If you have already signed up then head over to let us know your interest in reviewing this book.

NOTE: Even if you have signed up for the book reviews programme, you need to individually apply for reviewing every book that you are interested in.

Click here to review this book now.

If you want to receive books for free and review it on your blog, then sign up for this programme now!

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26 Replies to “Book Review – ‘6 Degrees: Game Of Blogs’”

  1. A little moment to flaunt? :p I already have the book (being one of the authors). However, I’m waiting eagerly to read reactions on the stories now! 🙂

  2. Hi blogadda!!!
    I have applied to review this book and someother books in the past. But, till now i haven’t received any books to review. Can you please suggest me what to do to receive the book to review. I am always a good writer and also a good reader. Awaiting eagerly for your reply

  3. Hello Remascafe,

    We totally understand. We try our best to ensure that the bloggers who have not yet got a book try and get one. You just keep blogging. We will do our bit. #CelebrateBlogging

  4. wow.. I would love to be a part of such a creative activity.. Blogadda always comes up with great new concept.. Cheers!

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