This Saturday we have found some really interesting blogs to read. Before you get reading, have you nominated your blog for WIN ’15 yet? Apart from Spicy Saturday, we also have an interesting activity going on for you! Colgate #MaxFreshMove is back for all those who love dancing, or seeing themselves on video. Send us your entry by Sunday and get assured vouchers on Monday! Here are the blogs for Spicy Saturday. Happy reading and have a great weekend!
- Who: Jayanth Kumar
- What: Bhoga Nandeeshwara Temple
- Spicy: India is a country well-known for its temples. They form an important part of our heritage as well as tourist attractions. Not every visit to a temple is considered pilgrimage, for some it is just a vacation with their family. As for blogger Jayanth Kumar, it was a trip with his friends and an opportunity to present this wonderful blog post on Bhoga Nandeeshwara temple.
- Who: Mukulika Basu
- What: Memorable quotes from Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest
- Spicy: For some people, there is no better way to spend the weekend than to lounge about with a good book. We’re not against light reads, but it’s also important to read classics once in a while. For Oscar Wilde lovers, this blog post is a re-visit to the book ‘The Importance Of Being Earnest’. For those who haven’t read the book, let this post inspire you to read this tome and have your weekend made!
- Who: Deepa
- What: Rules of Fights
- Spicy: Every fight has rules, be it boxing, wrestling, sumo and even relationship fights. The rules for fights in a relationship aren’t laid down, they are understood. Relationships aren’t water tight, they are free flowing and entirely based on compatibility. Most fights in relationships are no holds barred, but there should be some rules even in these emotionally charged exchanges. That is why Deepa’s ‘Rules of Fight’ help us glide through the squabbles of a relationship.
- Who: Anjana
- What: Romancing the Train
- Spicy: Train travel is a very normal phenomenon in India. It is, in fact, a place to socialise with different families who travel and to share their food as well! Indians can bond over travel and food at the drop of a hat. Train journeys are cherished because of so many other factors as well, like it becomes a reading time for some and for some it is all about the view. Read up on Anjana’s experience of a train journey.
- Who: Umadevi
- What: Candle Making journey of the young Entrepreneur: Karishma Lalwani
- Spicy: Joy comes in many shapes and sizes and so do candles. Make your house smell amazing and also look vibrant with scented candles! Umadevi spoke to entrepreneur Karishma Lalwani and found plenty of candles that she makes. Some of them look like delicious cupcakes which need a warning sign ‘Do not eat’ and others are so creatively designed, that we’ve fallen in love with them all!
- Who: Nandita Iyer
- What: Going bananas over growing bananas
- Spicy: Growing your own food is a joyous experience. One blogger grew her own bananas! Yes, you minion lovers, it’s bananas! Nandita Iyer takes us through her journey of growing a banana tree in a place like Bombay. Get inspired and start your own kitchen garden this weekend! We’re already on our way to the store to buy gardening tools.
- Who: Gayathri Kumar
- What: Jigarthanda Popsicle
- Spicy: It is the monsoon, but there is no respite from the heat. The temperature is still high and our cravings for ice-cold delicacies doesn’t seem to dial down. So this weekend, you must try making this rose syrup popsicle. Gayathri Kumar has blogged about Jigarthanda popsicle which is a popsicle version of Madurai’s famous cold drink. An information which we wouldn’t have known if it wasn’t on her blog. So drop your ice cubes made out of orange juice, and start making this icy cold delight.
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