Join Ariel #ShareTheLoad to reduce gender prejudices in Gen Next!

“Oh God, I am really late for work. I’ll do the laundry in the evening.”
“Don’t worry dear. I’ll do it today. Good luck for your presentation, Pooja.”

Doesn’t that sound like the man of every woman’s dreams? But why should this remain a dream situation? Wouldn’t you like it if such scenarios became commonplace in every household? Join the #ShareTheLoad activity at BlogAdda with Ariel and Akshara to make this dream come true!

gender equality

The modern woman might have taken the route to equality by stepping out to work, yet her designation of being a perfect homemaker remains untouched. Be it a mother, sister or a wife – women have been allotted household chores as their foremost responsibility. The eons old convention of ‘division of labour’ is deep rooted in our mindset and we still expect the women of the house to take up all responsibilities within the four walls of the home. Right from childhood, a girl is understood to be the one performing tasks like cooking, cleaning and some more…while boys are prepared for a life of earning the bread and butter for their family.

When the lady of the house falls sick, work at home stops. Laundry piles up for days, waiting for her to put on her ‘Superwoman’ costume to wash and dry the pending loads of dirty clothes in the laundry hamper. While we’re seeing some notable positive changes when it comes to dismantling established gender stereotypes, we at BlogAdda and Ariel want to make sure that the values of #ShareTheLoad take firm root in the next generation.  And Akshara, which has been at the forefront of the effort to making our society a gender equal and violence free one, has joined hands with us for this amazing initiative.

Recently, BlogAdda and Ariel have tried to redefine gender stereotypes with the #ShareTheLoad campaign. We called upon the men of the house to share the load of household chores like laundry, truly making them equal partners in the household. And now is the time to finish gender equality in households for once by instilling values of gender equality in the next generation.

Blog about how to take the message of #ShareTheLoad to the next generation! Tell us ways in which you can raise the next generation with the right values of gender equality in the household, and no scope of gender stereotypes.

When Ariel dug into the statistics of the situation, it was evident how everyone identifies laundry as a women’s job, which could set an undesirable precedent for the next generation. Let’s move quickly and raise an equal GenNext, shall we?


  • Top 5 blog posts win vouchers worth Rs. 1000 each!
  • First 40 valid entries will get assured vouchers worth Rs. 250 and a RewardMe hamper worth Rs. 250 each!

Click on the button below to submit your entry!

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Mandates for the activity:

  1. The word limit for every blog post is a minimum of 400 words.
  2. Please include the line, “I am taking part in the #ShareTheLoad Challenge with Ariel and Akshara at BlogAdda.
  3. Only blog posts submitted through this form will be considered valid.
  4. The last date for submission of this blog post is midnight, 5th June 2016.
  5. One blogger can write a maximum of 2 blog posts for this activity.

We look forward to your brilliant ideas on how to make the next generation much better when it comes to gender equality – a generation that is stranger to gender stereotypes!

Terms & Conditions

5 Replies to “Join Ariel #ShareTheLoad to reduce gender prejudices in Gen Next!”

  1. Hi, Can I not submit my post of I don’t have twitter or Facebook accounts?The form is asking for twitter and Facebook URL.are they mandatory for submission?

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