BlogAdda’s Spicy Saturday Picks – Oct. 10, ’09

Spicy Saturday Jai Maharashtra! This would be heard all over Maharashtra till October 13 for the assembly elections (Ed: Check our coverage of Indian Lok Sabha Elections and its media coverage). People have dreams, aspirations and cities definitely help them achieve those. Mumbai is truly a cosmopolitan city and hope the leaders realise that this very nature is what makes the city different and vibrant. Politicians are trying to divide the people on the basis of regionalism and casteism. We should not succumb to that. For us, all Indian Bloggers are equal and we are here to give them the best that they deserve. Keeping that in mind, here are this week’s most popular blogposts which you will surely enjoy reading.

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Barcamp Mumbai 6 – Register, Attend & Participate

Barcamp Mumbai 6

BlogAdda is pleased to inform you that the sixth edition of Barcamp Mumbai is happening this Sunday, October 11, 2009 at S. P. Jain Institute of Management and Research.

BarCamp Mumbai is an ad-hoc gathering of people born from the desire to share and learn in an open environment. It is an event with discussions, demos and interaction from participants.

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Interview with Navin Kabra, Part – 2

Well, well, well. What have we here? After the intriguing first part of  interview of the brains behind, we are back with the second part. In this part, Navin talks about his Patents, Pune. and much more. We promise you that after reading this interview, you would know another side of Navin Kabra unknown to many. Here is Navin Kabra of with his views………

Navin Kabra Punetech

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Ten essential Online Tools that every blogger should know


Web 2.0 can be defined as a second phase of internet revolution, which facilitates higher level of Communication and Information Sharing.

Web 2.0 allows its users to do more than retrieving data, most of the internet giants are relying more on it because it is a big money game and with this one-concept companies are being more creative to use the maximum of it and coming up different business models.

In this article you will find 10 Essential Online Tools that can bring great ease and glory to your Blogging Experience.

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BlogAdda’s Tangy Tuesday Picks – Oct. 6, ’09

Tangy Tuesday PicksIshwarasya Shabdah (The Word of God) is that we have got used to life and have started predicting things. He wants to change the momentum. This is the reason the climatic patterns are changing, storms, tsunamis and all. The word of god is also that we serve the Indian Blogosphere to the hilt and give out the best to our readers and bloggers. So going by god’s word here are this week’s Tangy Tuesday Picks. 😛

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Perky Tweets – Oct. 5, ’09

BlogAdda's perky TweetsIts pouring, pouring and still pouring. Friends, the rains are not ready to leave us. What we are realizing is that the climatic patterns all over the world are changing. October is supposed to be known for its ‘Heat’ and its raining. Is all this happening because we are going against nature? Are we to blame for this? We think its the Global Warming effect. Talking about ‘effects’, its time for the #perkytweets effect to cheer you up this lazy Monday. Here are this week’s #perkytweets.

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