Perky Tweets – June 13, 2016

BlogAdda's perky TweetsIf you have been on Twitter this past week, you will have seen your timeline refresh at the speed of light as everyone took to the social networking site to express themselves about well…freedom of expression. There has been a lot of debate over muzzling of creativity, which we have touched upon in this week’s Buzzing Blogosphere. You know a place where creativity is given free rein? #PerkyTweets! Read this week’s collection and know what the Twitterati has been up to recently!

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Perky Tweets – May 23, 2016

BlogAdda's perky TweetsDo you know what happened this Morning? We met a person who was literally Rolling On The Floor Laughing. Investigating a bit more closely, we tried to see what was making him laugh. We were shocked to see our blog post on his mobile. We know that we write stuff that tickles your funny bone but never expected someone to literally ROFL. What was he reading? Read on to know the answer.

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Perky Tweets – May 9, 2016

BlogAdda's perky TweetsLast week introduced us to the ‘Urban Poor’, a new episode of Game of Thrones, degrees related to temperatures and the educational qualification of people in high offices, and a realization that most people love their moms, at least on social media. #HappyMothersDay. #PerkyTweets is our way of making sense of everything that goes on in the world of 140 characters. Read on to know which tweets made us laugh and bookmark their creators for our regular dose of happiness.

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