Interview with Prerna G. Manian

A blogger who writes straight from the heart! Someone whose writing is very philosophical and self-reflexive but at the same time sprinkled with humour. Her posts are very matured and leave every reader with thoughts to ponder about. She states that writing is her love while acting remains an affair. A person who is willing to learn everywhere she goes! She takes pleasure in the small things life has to offer! (In an Ozzie accent) Here’s presenting to you an honest and fun interview with Prerna G. Manian about her blogging journey, childhood memories and a lot more!


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Interview with Akanksha Redhu

An elegant fashion and lifestyle blogger who loves experimenting keeping in mind the magic word, comfort. She absolutely loves effortless style! Her own designer label Cirare boasts of many creative and attractive designs. For her, to travel is to live! She believes that travelling teaches a person innumerable things. Trying out different cuisines and blogging about food is another of her favourite  activities. Presenting to you an interview with Akanksha Redhu, an amazing fashion blogger, travel enthusiast and stunning designer.



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Interview with Dr. Roshan Radhakrishnan

Here we have someone who writes from his heart! He removes the time to blog from his busy day because that is what he loves to do. He values the friends he has made in the blogosphere and loves the various opportunities blogging has brought his way. He wishes to inspire others through his writing. Sarcasm and humour are an immensely important feature of his writings.  Also he has just entered his ninth year in blogging and is looking forward to doing a lot more through his blog. Presenting to you an interview with Dr. Roshan Radhakrishnan where he talks about his likes, blogging journey and humorously everything about life.



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Interview with Vikram Karve

A person who is blogging since long but still cannot find time to say everything he has planned to in his mind. Trying to offer something fresh and new to the blogosphere everyday. Someone who finds solace in blogging and believes that it gives the writer in him, an instant gratification! An author, a teacher, a navy officer, a counsellor and an ardent blogger, introducing Vikram Karve in an interview where he talks about his life, blogging journey and his love for writing.



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Interview with Soumya Prasad

A fun-loving girl  who is a voracious reader and loves to blog. Even the fiction she writes seems so close to reality! Her writings are a reflection of what you actually see in the society. Poems, stories or just a post on something she likes, she writes everything magnificently! Romance being her favourite genre, it takes up most of the space on her blog. Diplomacy is just not her, what she feels is what she writes! A friendly and outgoing girl who is also extremely emotional. Presenting to you, Soumya Prasad a brilliant blogger who breathes romance, in an honest interview at your Adda.



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Interview with Pranava Boyidapu

A girl who is full of life, loves to travel and discover new places, up for absolutely anything that is challenging! Born and brought up in Vishakhapatnam, after completing her studies in IIM Kolkata, Pranava now stays and works in London. A voracious reader, a movie enthusiast, a music fanatic and someone who writes spectacular poetry! Presenting to you, a wonderful interview with Pranava Boyidapu at your very own Adda.

Interview With Pranava Boyidapu

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