On 5h Feb, 2015, we had a fun Twitter Chat with the crazy bunch of budding authors and the winners of Game of Blogs, a one of its kind activity which took place in September 2014, when we decided to CelebrateBlogging in a unique way. Yes, we are talking about Team By Lines who participated in Game of Blogs to CelebrateBlogging with Sci-Fi. The team shared their OUT OF THE WORLD winning story.
Winner Announcement: Gillette #WillYouShave activity
To shave or not to shave, that was the question. And the answer was a resounding YES! as is clear after the Gillette #WillYouShave activity. After a super activity that saw you blogging and tagging people with gusto, it is now time to announce the winners of #WillYouShave.
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An Interview with Atulya Mahajan
Atulya Mahajan started blogging as ‘AmreekanDesi‘ in 2007 while in New York and continued capturing the nation’s imagination even after the ‘Amreekan‘ bit faded away on his return to India. He is the writer of satirical blog posts, open letters that go viral, and two books – Amreekandesi: Masters of America and the recently launched ‘Democrazy‘.
In an ideal world, he would be an advisor to Indian (and Pakistani) politicians who stops them from making ghastly but entertaining mistakes. BlogAdda spoke to Atulya about his success as a blogger, author, and his thoughts about the bundle of addictive contradictions that is India.
Book Review: ‘When She Smiled’ by Ritoban Chakrabarti
Teenage years are all about growing up, finding your place in the world, discarding old ideas after being introduced to new ones. And? And falling in love, getting your heart broken and knowing that you can survive heartache. This is what ‘When She Smiled’ is all about, and BlogAdda is giving you a chance to review it!
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Book Review: That’s My Story by Vinay Mashalkar
Anyone who says that they haven’t been in love at least once in their lives are, well…lying. Love is a feeling that brings out different facets in everybody, but one thing that is common is that love changes your life. Everybody has a love story that is unique to their life, and each is story worth telling. Vinay Mashalkar has written one such simple yet touching story- That’s My Story, which you can now review!
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Let the world hear your #SoundOfLove and win a gold band!
The sound of your lover’s voice, the beep of your phone when you get a message from your spouse, listening to your partner’s heartbeats and knowing that everything is well with the world – so many things about love are related to sound, right?
They say that if it’s not passionate or crazy, it’s not love. If you believe this to be true, then we have the perfect activity for you. BlogAdda in association with BlueStone presents #SoundOfLove where your crazy love story can win you a pure gold #SoundOfLove band!
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