Hello Bloggers!
With Mothers Day coming up, we are sure most of you are thinking and planning about how you can show your appreciation for your mothers hard work, love, and support over the years. One way as a blogger to express your affection and gratitude can be done by writing your feelings down on a card or even in the form of a poem. We know it can be difficult to put all your feelings for your mother down on a piece of paper but let’s pile up our love and pen a WOW post for our loving and beautiful mother’s.

‘The bond between mothers and their children is one defined by love. As a mother’s prayers for her children are unending, so are the wisdom, grace, and strength they provide to their children.’ – George W. Bush
For this WOW edition, we would like you to ‘Write A Poem Based On The Letters M.O.T.H.E.R’ You can write a small one with 4-6 lines or as long as you like.
Before you begin writing, here’s a little reminder that Mothers Day can be a hard day for some children or adults. Maybe theyve lost their mother, have a difficult relationship, or would prefer to write a poem to someone who feels like a mother. We would honor any choice and voice, who they write to, and what they write about.
Here’s a one from our side –
M is for the Moments she wiped away my tears.
O is for One of a kind.
T is for her Thoughtfulness in everything she does.
H is a reminder of a Heart that’s always filled with love.
E is for the Encouragement that is given out to everyone for free.
R is for being Reliable and Remarkable always.
Remember to submit your blogpost before Sunday midnight to be eligible as a valid entry and win a chance to display the WOW badge proudly on your blog and social networks.
Kindly add this line in your blogpost, This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda. Click on the submit button below and share your WOW entry. Do have a look at some of our earlier posts related to Mother’s Day.
This is also the time to use our social media platform power to help each other in these difficult times. Please feel free to tag us on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook if you or anyone on your list needs help with resources. We will share it on our feed.
Happy Blogging!

Happy Mother’s Day!
Mother’s Are Special-