Summer has officially arrived! This season calls for ice creams, sunny beach days, and cooling drinks of coconut water. How are you planning to enjoy your summer days amidst the pandemic? Do let us know in the comments section.

“Summertime is always the best of what might be” – Charles Bowden
We are aware that it’s been a long time with no poem writing prompt so here we are to make you work on poems again. Many of you might not have written a poem earlier, this is the best chance to start and explore.
For this weeks WOW, we would like you to ‘Write An Amusing Poem Using These Words – Sunny, Steamy & Sweaty. You can write a small one with 4-6 lines or as long as you like. It can be funny, serious, scary, or romantic.
We hope you enjoy and have a fun time while composing your summer poem 🙂
Remember to submit your blogpost before Sunday midnight to be eligible as a valid entry and win a chance to display the WOW badge proudly on your blog and social networks.
Kindly add this line in your blogpost, This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda. Click on the submit button below and share your WOW entry.
Keep Blogging!