You are one in a million but you are also a drop in the ocean. Sometimes we feel we have a lot but it turns out it is very little compared to what is needed. Be it positivity, money, good friends, food. On the other hand, there are times even a drop in the ocean counts. Every small effort, every small contribution in the right direction makes a significant difference.
This week we urge you to write on the topic “A Drop In The Ocean” for the WOW (Write Over the Weekend) prompt. You can write about an experience you’ve had that made you think – this is but a drop in the ocean. Or spin a story, write a poem and share it with us. Don’t forget to use the words ‘drop in the ocean’ in your post.
Remember, you have time only till Sunday midnight to submit your blog posts and win a chance to proudly display the WOW badge on your blog!
Bloggers are requested to add the mandate line mentioned below in their post. ‘This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.’ Click on the submission link below for your WOW entry to be considered valid. All the best. Happy blogging!
This is a humble attempt at weaving a story with the cue – A drop in the ocean.
It is amateurish. Comments/criticism is welcome 🙂
Who would have thought in a lifetime of uncertainties, a spring of a few years also feels like a drop in the ocean, a drop that reinforces faith – There is enough sunshine in the world for everyone…..
My Entry:
My entry –
My First attempt at WOW –
Here’s my entry:
Here is My entry —