Hello bloggers. As we gear up to celebrate the festival of colours (or hide indoors and save ourselves from over-enthusiastic neighbours), let’s also spend some time doing what we love to do- blogging!
We will give you a reason and a prompt to get started.

In some parts of India, a day before Holi is known as Holi Dahan in which a pyre is burnt to signify burning of the demon Holika. If we try to understand the legend, it is nothing but burning the evil, the negativity within and around us. This day also marks the end of winter – a cold dark period. And the arrival of spring – full of fresh beginnings. Sounds promising, doesn’t it?
So how about writing about “Three things that I will burn this weekend”
Tell us what are the things that held you back. What is it that you would like to leave behind forever? The things that you would like to put an end to and move towards more positive light.
A prejudice you’ve held for a long time or a grudge against a friend. Or something tangible like an old love letter that leaves a bitter taste in your mouth every time you read it.
Write over the weekend and let us know. Don’t forget to use these three words in your write up:
flag, willpower, reference.
Remember, you have time only till Sunday midnight to submit your blog posts and have a chance to get the WOW badge! Bloggers are requested to add the mandate line mentioned below in their post.
‘This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.’
Click on the submission link below for your WOW entry to be considered valid.
All the best. Happy blogging!
My Entry: https://sreedharb.blogspot.in/2017/03/the-3-things-that-i-will-burn-this.html
are the results out?