Perky Tweets – October 10, 2016

Hello Monday! We are back again with our hilarious round of laughter and all things perky with #PerkyTweets! As usual Twitter has always been a pool of fun and masti, and BlogAdda makes it a point to kickstart the week on a happy note with the India’s funniest tweets ever. While this Monday seems a lil less painful (yes, good wins over the bad tomorrow!) and we are all set for a quick break tomorrow, here’s some giggly jokes and chuckling tweets to keep you hail and healthy through the day!

india's funniest tweets

Would you like to send us in a laughing fit? Well, here’s your chance to make your tweet feature in our #PerkyTweets next week! Submit it by tagging @blogadda in your tweets with the hashtag #PerkyTweets!

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