Perky Tweets – January 4, 2016

BlogAdda's perky TweetsThe sun has risen on the year 2016 and it’s time to rush headlong into the new year with new ambitions and dreams, while retaining the best of the past. We at BlogAdda wish to do the same, and that’s why our very popular #PerkyTweets staging a comeback to make the start of your year happy, chirpy and positive! Read on to know what current affairs tweets the ever-witty Twitterverse has been churning out lately.


If you can read this line through your chuckles, then you have reached the end of this edition of #PerkyTweets. If you have discovered a gem of a tweet in your digital sojourns, please mention it in the comments section below and we’ll watch out for their future tweets. You can also submit your tweets to be featured on the next installment of #PerkyTweets by clicking here.

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