WIN ‘14 was a first of many sorts. It was the first time Indian bloggers came together to #CelebrateBlogging. As we launch headlong into making sure that the 2nd edition of WIN an enriching and memorable experience for you, let’s go back to WIN ‘14 – a day long festival where bloggers and influencers came together to share ideas on what they love – blogging.
Celebrated author Ravi Subramaniam talks during the opening session.
The beautiful actress Vasundhara Das on stage as part of the Travel, Life & Music session.
Ashwin Mushran, Vasundhara Das, Karl Gomes and Ekalavya Bhattacharya on stage in an animated moment during the Travel, Life & Music session.
Shekhar Kapur delivering his invigorating talk with a tight grip on the audience’s attention, so much so, that nobody seemed to mind when his session extended beyond the stipulated time!
Nirav Sanghavi in discussion with director par excellence Shekhar Kapur. Can we know what you’re saying?
Mansi Zaveri of Kids Stop Press gets the Best Parenting Blog Award from Vasundhara Das.
Check out my WIN tweet! A blogger captures an interesting moment for posterity.
Anaggh Desai takes the mike as the audience, including Vasundhara Das is all smiles.
Kavi Arasu presents the WIN Best Arts. Crafts and Design award to Rukmini Roy Kadam of Trumatter.
Dr. Roshan Radhakrishnan wins the ‘Best Creative Writing Blog’ award. Amit Agarwal gives away the trophy.
Fashionistas! Kiran Manral presents the ‘Best Fashion Blog’ award to Roxanne D’Souza of Head to Heels.
Blogging for me is… Bloggers share their thoughts.
Extending the online connection with fellow bloggers to the offline world by networking at WIN ‘14.
The end of a session. Applause all around.
See more photos of WIN ’14 here! We want YOU to be a part of the memory lane next year! We’re sure you’re convinced after looking at these photos that #WIN15 is THE place to be! At #WIN15 we have been lucky to get really inspiring speakers and those amongst them are Natasha Badhwar, Krish Ashok, Aditya Magal, Ajay Jain… Well, the list is lengthy and filled with awesomeness. Check it here! #WIN15 is also going to be a day of exciting sessions and interesting workshops, exclusive to those who attend. The thought of these sessions makes us want to jump from our seats and fast forward time to September 20, 2015. Book your tickets now and join us in #CelebratingBlogging!