Can you hear the call of Tangy Tuesday? We can, and that’s why we are here with our weekly tonic. The date for #WIN15 approaches fast, and tickets are getting sold faster. Book your tickets ASAP and #CelebrateBlogging with our illustrious speakers on 20th September. Once you’re done, take a look at which Indian Blogs made it to our Tangy Tuesday list this week!
- Who: Christina Daniels
- What:“Change will come, But Change Is Slow”
- Tangy: A dream like nation is literally a reality for those who believe and take charge. It is a simple step that needs attention and that simple step creates a huge change in our society. Observe, evaluate and act is what we as citizens must do. Christina did just that and she today stands proud to see a ‘change’ in the city of Bangalore.
- Who: Nagraj Abhishek
- What: “India and Me”
- Tangy: A person who travels a lot is a unique book to read. He is the one that will express the reality of its place, essence and people in the most realistic way. He is an avid reader of cultures, traditions and perceptions not in books but in experiences. Read through the mind of Nagraj – a traveler from India.
- Who: Juhi Roy
- What: “Rainy Nights”
- Tangy: Monsoons have been an inspiration for many artists. There are some who dilute themselves in rains to escape the mundane chaos of their lives. We all have that one special story with rains where the droplets of water reach deep down to our souls to help us breathe a fresh perspective. Juhi shares with us her multi layered roles that unfold in rains.
- Who: Nirali Naik
- What: “Date Poet”
- Tangy: They say rare is the man who marries the soul of a woman. But dating is a different animal altogether. Do you agree? We all have our own ways of getting loved, appreciation and companionship. But there are some who have the art of saying it and they change the game. They are poets. Nirali tells us why should a girl date a poet.
- Who: Maggie
- What: “A Sort Of Silence”
- Tangy: Moving to a new place, learning a new language, going to a new school/university all throw diversity in abundance if one can just sit and consume all that. To make it more precise, consume all for what it is in its true and original essence. Do you recall your first encounter with a new place? Maggie has just been in Mumbai and her experience will make you swing in joy with the whole of the city as your company.
- Who: Siddhartha Joshi
- What: “Tamil Nadu Solo Road Trip – Sid The Planner!”
- Tangy: Weddings, languages, and road trips are the best things that one can have fun with when you are stepping out alone. The catch here gets even more interesting when you do not know your native language and you got to do loads of it. Siddhartha beautifully describes the life behind the culture, known and unknown endeavors with plans, friends and discoveries.
- Who: Madhavi Katre
- What: “I dream, therefore I exist”
- Tangy: Never did once, in our childhood days did we stick to 1 dream or a career when asked ” What you want to be in your future”. Most of us answered as if we were the masters of all things ‘knowledge’. Some of us also went on to achieve them. This is because you hold the spirit within you to take it all in a stride and make a dream a reality. Madhvi explains this in her poetic essence.
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Yay! Glad that my post got chosen. A first for me 🙂