We have one question for you. Have you nominated your blog for #WIN15 Blogging Awards? If not, please head over to the nomination form and nominate up to 5 blogs right now. Go ahead, we know you want to do it. Get some inspiration from these wonderful blog posts from Indian bloggers that we have picked for Tangy Tuesday Picks.
- Who: Rekha Nair Dhyani
- What: “#ArunaShanbaug – Another Chapter Closed Without a Pinch of Remorse or Regret”
- Tangy: Aruna Shanbaug, the KEM nurse who lay comatose in a hospital bed for 42 years finally passed away after a bout of pneumonia. Her death reiterated the service and love that the hospital staff has shown Aruna, but it has also highlighted the pathetic 7 year sentence that her assaulter Sohanlal got for the heinous crime. RIP Aruna.
- Who: Ami Bhat
- What: “Exploring the Age-Old Angkor”
- Tangy: Many tourists are drawn to Cambodia for the timeless beauty of Angkor Wat. Apart from the temple, there are many other places that can enthrall travellers. Here’s your guide to exploring Angkor, a place that deserves to be on every traveller’s wish list.
- Who: Sophia Jose
- What: “Cinderella and her not so “happily ever after” life”
- Tangy: Young girls get all gooey eyed when they hear the ‘fairy tale romance’ of Cinderella. A regular damsel in distress who gets whisked away to a palace by a charming prince…seems quite convenient, right? But as gender roles change, the damsel in distress narrative also needs some tweaking to accomodate the new definition of love and companionship.
- Who: Parul Thakur
- What: “An Open Letter To Dear Minister”
- Tangy: India’s young work resource is a force to be reckoned with, but the dark side of this is that HR policies often leave a sizeable chunk of the population behind. New mothers are often at a disadvantage because of lack of maternity leave, and are forced to make the unwelcome choice between their baby or their career. Read this open letter that throws more light on this pressing issue.
- Who: Prerna Subramanian
- What: “A Hopeful Romantic”
- Tangy: Think about any romantic movie you’ve seen recently. When boy meets girl, both are always in pristine condition, doing something cool or endearing. At the back of our minds, we know that this will never happen in real life, but still end up hoping that our love lives unfold the way they do on the silver screen.
- Who: Indu Arora
- What: “सूट-बूट की सरकार (एक टी वी चर्चा)”
- Tangy: News bulletins have become high volume reality shows where the person who shouts the loudest wins the round of debate. This doesn’t stop every news channel from proclaiming that they are the true upholders of truth in the country. It was just a matter of time before a satirical blog post on this topic was written.
- Who: Ilakshee Bhuyan Nath
- What: “Will The Real Mother Stand Up?”
- Tangy: With the concept of Mother’s Day gaining momentum, most mothers now expect something to be done for them on their special day. Now that the displays of love on social media have died down, this blogger takes a look at what kind of mothers she sees around her vis-à-vis the earlier generation.
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