Chicken Soup for the Indian Couple’s Soul

Seems like the love season is not yet over. Atleast not for the book-lovers! 🙂 We have yet another love collection for you to read. This time we present Chicken Soup for the Indian Couple’s Soul, that has inspirational stories about love and relationships. Want to get love-inspired? Read more about the book below:

10 copies of this book to be given away for review.

Overview of the Book

If you are a real romantic, this is definitely the book for you. Chicken Soup for the Indian Couple’s Soul tells stories about new beginnings, old lovers, love that lasts forever, fate, destiny, and more. With chapters on finding each other, intimacy, commitment, understanding, and overcoming obstacles, readers will find inspiration whether they’re beginning a new relationship, hoping to work through a difficult one, or trying to recognise extraordinary moments in their lives.

Whether single, separated or someone’s spouse, everyone wants to find and keep that elusive thing called love, and this book will inspire you to renew that search for your soul mate, or open your heart a little more to the one you already have.

Know the Authors

Rajyashree Dutt has been running Write-Arm for over twenty years, writing, editing and publishing primarily for the development sector ( She also owns an art gallery in Bangalore ( When not working she tries to divide her time between her many passions – acting, bird-watching, travelling with husband, staying home with the dogs and spending time with the children and grandchildren.

Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen, #1 New York Times bestselling co-authors, are professional speakers who have dedicated their lives to enhancing the personal and professional development of others. They are co-authors of several New York Times bestsellers, including Chicken Soup for the Soul, Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul and Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul.

Interested? Sign up now

The review should be of 500+ words and should be posted on your blog within 7 days from the day you receive the book. The book has 390 pages. In your review, tell us about the story, the writing style of the author, main characters, their description, your likes, dislikes, expectations, etc.

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6 Replies to “Chicken Soup for the Indian Couple’s Soul”

  1. If you have signed up for the Book Reviews Program, you need to still express interest for individual books that come up at BlogAdda. If you are selected, you’ll be informed by email.

  2. Ok, I have signed up for the program and have expressed my interest too. Keeping my fingers crossed now! If given the opportunity, I’ll give it my best shot!

  3. There is some issue when I am trying to ‘express interest’ for the sponsered reviews. I am not able to check my blog URL, nor am I able to include my phone no.

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