3’s A Crowd

Today’s book for review is on Families and Relationships. Vijay Nagaswami‘s third book in his series of ‘The New Indian Marriage’ is 3’s A Crowd, that is up for review! This book deals with infidelity, which means an act of sexual unfaithfulness. This book tries to understand infidelity and affairs. Interested to know more about 3’s A Crowd? Read below for excerpt.

10 copies are available for review. Here’s the excerpt:

It is not only the aggrieved partner that needs to learn how to recover from the shock and pain caused by an adulterous spouse. The perpetrator is equally a victim of the affair. 

It is a myth that only men have affairs. Whom are the ones they’re having their affair with?

Affairs are not the product of our times. Infidelity has informed our history, religious stories and culture since time immemorial. Modern technology and freer mingling of the sexes only slightly help.

And sometimes that help backfires. As anyone whose ‘secret’ text messages on his cellphone have been discovered by a suspicious partner.

Such surprises and insightful observations abound in yet another robust book by renowned relationships counsellor Vijay Nagaswami, in the third of Westland’s ‘New Indian Marriage’ series.

More than humour, more than his wit, Nagaswami’s greatest quality is his refusal to point out the villain in any piece. We are all flawed individuals, he reminds us yet again, and sometimes make foolish choices in the heat – or boredom – of the moment. But hope is at hand. We CAN regret, forgive and learn to love again. And, most importantly, cast away our guilt and our recriminations.

Know the Author: Vijay Nagaswami is a Chennai-based psychiatrist and has worked closely with relationships for over 25 years. Innumerable couples from all over the country have benefitted from his marital intervention and his writing. He has written three books, including the bestselling The 24×7 Marriage and The Fifty Marriage, these two as part of a series called ‘The New Indian Marriage’. 3’s a Crowd, the third in this series, deals with infidelity and how to survive it.

He also writes a column for The Hindu called ‘The Shrinking Universe’ and is featured in other national and regional publications too. He regularly conducts workshops for couples and corporates on relationship management.

He draws inspiration for his work from Usha, his wife, and their twenty-two-year-old marriage.


The review should be of 500+ words and should be posted on your blog within 7 days from the day you receive the book. The book is of 292 pages. In your review, tell us about the story, the writing style of the author, main characters, their description, your likes, dislikes, expectations, etc.

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