Perky Tweets – Jun. 22, ’09

BlogAdda's perky TweetsThis time two years back, Indian were celebrating over bus rooftop. This time ICC World Twenty20 was won by our neighbors who played good cricket.. To perk you up from this, we have the best perky tweets from the Indian Twitterville which will bring back the smile on your face. The Selected  perky tweets will be read out by Malini in her show ‘Malini till midnight‘ on Radio One 94.3 at 9 pm. Tune in to hear your tweets bring a smile to thousands of Radio One listeners all over Mumbai 🙂

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Round Up of Headstart Summer 09

Headstart Summer 2009 got underway at Welingkars. Over the past year, the Headstart Foundation, as part of their vision of creating this ecosystem have, through their events, connected with over 5000 upcoming entrepreneurs. The foundation also manages a startup incubator at IIsc Bangalore. Today’s event saw over 200 people attending including entrepreneurs, professionals and investors. Continue reading “Round Up of Headstart Summer 09”

BlogAdda’s Spicy Saturday Picks – Jun. 19, ’09

Spicy SaturdayJwajalapa (Hello in Nepalese). Prayers and Havans are being held all over the western coast of India to please the rain gods. Mother Nature seems to be angry with us for the reasons we all know 🙂 . There is still time to care for the environment. We do not need a day to show our love for the enviroment. Let us do it everyday. We have the best blog posts from the Indian Blogosphere for you to read over the weekend.

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Promising Agenda: Headstart Summer 2009

Headstart Network presents its bi-annual extravaganza of entrepreneurs, startups, investors, incubators and enterprise customers: Headstart Summer 2009. The conference will take place on 20th June 2009 at  Welingkar Institute of Management Development & Research, Mumbai (Map, URL) and would be focused specifically on early stage investing.  We present to you the agenda of the event.

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Interview with Sidin Vadukut of Domain Maximus – Part 2

He has done his engineering from REC and his MBA from IIM-A. One of the early bloggers from India, he also writes for mainstream media and has written a book to be published early next year. His post about ‘Travails of Single South Indian Men of Conservative Upbringing piece’ is talked about even now. He is used to taking other people’s interview. For a change we reverse the roles and interview  Sidin ‘Sunny’ Vadukut of Domain Maximus . We present to you the second part of this very witty interview. If you haven’t read the first part do read it now!

Sidin Vadukut

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