Perky Tweets – Mar. 4, ’13

BlogAdda's perky Tweets Ram Gopal announces a film where the script will be written by the pundits of twitter. He will be only producing the film. The rest will be taken care by the twitter junta #fakingnews. πŸ™‚ No matter you like or dislike RGV, he has the guts to make what he loves. Let us applaud him for that and let us read the amazing funny tweets from the Indian twitter users this Monday. πŸ™‚

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Perky Tweets – Feb. 4, ’13

BlogAdda's perky Tweets ‘Scriptwriters make Kissing an ‘integral’ part of the script but sadly the actor’s are the one’s who play that ‘integral’ role. :)’ The scriptwriter who writes the scripts for Mahesh Bhatt’s movies has filed a PIL demanding that he gets to be a part of the act. What do you think #fakingnews? Read the funniest tweets from the Indian Twitter users this Monday and smile. πŸ™‚

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