How are you doing this shortest month of the year? In our daily lives, we consume and use so many things. Many a times, we wonder if a particular thing could have been made in a different way and it would be so nice then. How many such things that come to your mind?

Brian Reed once said, “Everything is designed. Few things are designed well.” Did he mean only product design or human design as well? 🙂
Honestly, good design does not just look pleasing, but it makes one feel wonderful when using that particular product. Most of the times we have seen simplistic design work really well.
This weekend, for the WOW prompt, we want you to write about, ‘Someone Really Needs To Design A Better…‘. Tell us what has made you really upset and inspite of looking around, you could not get a better product. How you wished someone would have designed it better! It could be anything that you use and sometimes don’t, because the design never appealed to you! Even if there are things that you will never use, but have a opinion on, do share. The scope is really broad and we will leave that to you to decide. 🙂
Kindly ensure to share your blogpost using the form below by Sunday midnight to be accounted as a valid entry and a chance to win WOW badge that you can showcase on your blog and social networks.
Do add this line in your blogpost, ‘This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.’ Click on the submit button below to submit your WOW entry. Have a fantastic weekend!

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