WOW: “Three Wishes”

Life lived with a purpose and letting no persuasive action alter it, leads to your destiny. Be it your health, wealth, happiness or any other element, can come in the check-list of your wishes. You do understand and know better than anybody else, what you wish to become or would like to manifest for yourself. Yes, everybody in life’s race is searching for paths to fulfill their wishes. The things you discern to be the best and yearn for it until you achieve it. It is impossible to find anybody who doesn’t have his/her heart set on something. You are obstinate and persistent to clinch something you have a yen for!


This week’s WOW prompt is “Three Wishes”

We humans are made to strive for things that we wish to possess or do, to fulfill our heart’s content. This time we want you to blog about those three wishes that you would want to attain. What are those three desires that lead you to work hard? May be, all of them have been fulfilled or some still left but why is it so important and close to your heart? Put in writing those three cardinal wishes you have an itch for!

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‘This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.’

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Every weekend, we give creative writing prompts for you to write blog posts. Hope you enjoy our creative writing

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