WOW – ‘Fairy Godmother’

This weekend, we’re feeling a fed up with all the dreary news and negativity around us in the real world. So we’re escaping into a world of fantasy, a world of princesses and knight in shining armours, and of course, fairy godmothers! Would you like to join us?

Write Over the Weekend!

This week’s WOW prompt is – ‘Fairy Godmother’.

In most fairytales, the fairy godmother is the catalyst that changes life around for the princess. Remember the tale of Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty? How differently their lives might have turned out in the absence of a fairy godmother? In real life too, we have elders who are no less than godmothers to us who help us in our life. And of course there are some people who don’t believe in fairy tales, and make their path without a fairy godmother.

This Mother’s Day weekend, get some magic in the concept of motherhood, and blog about the ‘fairy godmother’ prompt!

Remember, you have time only till Sunday midnight to submit your blog posts and have a chance to get the WOW badge!

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This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.

Good news! There is now an easier way to submit your WOW entries, so just click on the submission link below for your WOW entry to be considered valid.

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Every weekend, we give creative writing prompts for you to write blog posts on! Hope you enjoy our creative writing inspiration for this week. 🙂

All those who are featured in WOW can now flaunt the WOW badge on your blog. Download your badge now!


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