WOW – Lights Out!

“It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

Bloggers, we love how you wait for our WOW topic each weekend and send in such wonderful posts every time.

 Write Over the Weekend theme for this week

You finish filing your work and are ready to leave for home. As soon as you reach the lift, the lights in the building go off. What happens next?

Are we all set? Start writing and keep blogging. Remember, you have time till Sunday midnight!

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This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.

Every weekend, we give out creative writing themes to rekindle the love of writing in all you creative writers.

All those who are featured in WOW can now flaunt the WOW badge on your blog. Download your badge now!

You can check the list of the picked WOW posts for last week at

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22 Replies to “WOW – Lights Out!”

  1. Here is my entry for WOW post for the week

    Preview –> What happens, when a young doctor, after completing his posting, is locked within a lift and has to attend to an emergency within the lift ???

    Read more to find out……

  2. The lost truth

    Excerpt from the story…

    ‘No, I didn’t take out my diary or tab or smartphone to jot profound thoughts, there was no poem that I wrote that night, and there were no conclusions I made about life and existence. I just sat there looking all around in silence, as one would who has just come face to face with the lost truth.’

    …read on… 🙂

  3. “Lights Out”: Conversations Aboard the Last Train

    It was past midnight, but the warm humid air felt suffocating and uneasy. Pranjal adjusted a bit, but the sweltering seat still did not offer any comfort. The stale air of the stationary train reeked of rusting iron and rotting fish.
    The train was not very crowded; it was the last train of an underused route on an off-season day. There was just a single person in the compartment besides him.

    … Read More

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