Chicken Soup for the Indian Soul At Work

Work is not man’s punishment. It is his reward and his strength and his pleasure  – George Sand. This is what we read at the back-cover of Chicken Soup for the Indian Soul At Work. Yes, the series is back at your Adda, this time with 101 stories of Entrepreneurship & Creativity at the Workplace. This book includes topics like Turning obstacles into opportunities, changing roles and industries, humour and fun at work, extraordinary entrepreneurs and much more. Interested in reading this? See below what the book offers.

Chicken Soup for the Indian Soul at Work

10 copies of this interesting book to be given away.

Overview of the Book

Work and career are important parts of one’s life, whether one is building a business, employed in a call centre, or practicing medicine. Chicken Soup for the Indian Soul at Work has gathered a rich treasure chest of experiences and inspiring tales that share the daily courage, compassion and creativity that occur in workplaces everywhere.The 101 stories in this book will encourage and recharge you with tales of heartwarming camaraderie, inspirational breakthroughs, courageous leadership and synergetic teamwork. This powerful book gives you new options, new ways to succeed and, above all, a new love and appreciation for yourself, your job and those around you.

Know the Author

Juhi Rai Farmania is a networker, building an ecommerce project in India and the UK. An entrepreneur, actor and writer, she wants to make the most of life, and to make a difference in people’s lives. She paints and dances to remain connected to her soul. A believer in miracles, she dreams of creating mainstream movies and large organisations.Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen, #1 New York Times bestselling co-authors, are professional speakers who have dedicated their lives to enhancing the personal and professional development of others. They are co-authors of several New York Times bestsellers, including Chicken Soup for the Soul, Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul and Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul.

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The review should be of 500+ words and should be posted on your blog within 7 days from the day you receive the book. The book has 365 pages. In your review, tell us about the story, the writing style of the author, main characters, their description, your likes, dislikes, expectations, etc.

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