Symbiosis Institute of Telecom Management hosts its flagship event, Communique, an International Telecom seminar, bringing together eminent personalities from the telecom industry as well as government institutions to shed light on relevant topics and to enlighten the students on key issues of the industry.

It provides a neutral platform for finest minds of the industry to address, explore and envisage the current trends and expected routes of the telecom industry. Keeping with the tradition, the 9th International seminar, scheduled on September 21st and 22nd, will witness stalwarts of the industry discuss emerging trends, opportunities and issues of the ever-changing and ever-competitive telecom industry.
The revolutionary developments and its effects on the industry are captured by this year’s theme, Impetus Futuro: Widening Horizons, Developing Perspectives. Technology is constantly improving its applications and the way we communicate. Innovations and ideas are being implemented in a blink of an eye. The next wave of telecom disruption is here. 5G is becoming mainstream bringing in an array of cross-industry applications. AI advancements are being made at a rapid rate, transforming the nature of almost everything which is connected to human life. Data is being called the new oil. As the world moves towards a data driven society, it also brings in the need of security, protection and recovery. With countries moving in to form personalized data protection acts, India is also on the verge of implementing its draft bill. The Gen Y also is changing, moving towards a culture that gives importance to more work-life balance and start up mind-set. Changes and advancements are being made in all aspects. However, we are yet to see evolution in long-term and discuss about proper ethics and framework.
The agenda of the 2-day event is a mix of 4 Keynote speeches and 4 panel discussions. The panel discussions will provide clarity and understanding on topics which are relevant to the industry as well as address burning issues. Two keynote and 2 panel discussions are scheduled for each day of the event. On 21st the panellist will discuss on 5G technology, the topic being, 5G Fluctuating Fortunes: Traversing Through Unknown Terrains. The expected radical transition from 4G to 5G, India’s capacity and potential to embrace 5G and the probable health hazards of 5G technology will be points of discussion for the panel. The second topic, AI Maturity: Rising Above The Woulds, Shoulds And Coulds will have an agenda to understand how far we have reached in implementing AI, the future plans, ethical issues and regulations needed to bring about value adoption.
The second day, the focus of the first panel discussion will be the Personal Data Protection Bill, the topic being, Deciphering PDPB: Compliance, Conception And Constraints. The major impacts on Indian and Global companies, feasibility and requirements of infrastructure and security will be few of the points touched upon. The seminar also features a contemporary and relevant topic, The 21st Century Crew: Paving Way For A Changing Workforce. The focal point of the discussion will be understanding the needs of the upcoming workforce in align with the changing technology, impacts of the changing work culture and the challenges of acquiring talent in this era.
The Institute also hosts pre-events for the seminar. There are competitions categorized into external and internal events. The two planned external events are of national level, the first being Brand Race, which is a branding and marketing based competition powered by OnePlus. The second is Sacred Case, which is a case study competition, open for all the B-schools and undergraduate students across India. The winners of these events are awarded prizes worth up to 23,000 and 40,000. There are two internal events that will be held during the International Telecom seminar dates. Build It, a creatively challenging game which will keep the record of being the most enjoyed event. The second, Guess the logo, a crowd favourite, will test your minds to match the logos with their companies.
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