Namaste. It’s summer time and the heat seems increasing. It is also the time when a lot of people will travel for holidays. What are you going to discover this summer? How are you ringing in the new financial year? In a month from now, we will also elect our leader in the upcoming Lok Sabha Elections.

Don’t we get intrigued by the questions children ask us sometimes? Maybe, also intimidated sometimes by the questions that people around us ask. At the same time, we do have a lot of questions ourselves, some that get answered and some that never will be.
This weekend, let’s do this. Ask around. Talk to people. Find out the most important questions they have. Remember, not personal, but something that they haven’t been able to seek answers for or they feel that there is a question they want an answer for! Well, you may have some already. Write them all. And then, narrow down to one.
That’s what we want you to share with us in the WOW prompt ‘The Most Important Question In Life Is…‘. We realise there could be few, but would love if you prioritize the most important one you feel and share that. Let us know why do you think it’s important for you. If you’ve received some answers, share those. If not, let’s have the readers chip in with their thoughts.
Do make sure you publish and submit your post by Sunday midnight and win a chance to be selected as a winner and display the WOW badge on your blog and social networks.
Kindly add this line in your blogpost, ‘This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.’ Click on the submit button below to submit your WOW entry. Discover something new this summer. Have a cool weekend! 🙂

My Entry: