Big hello to everyone. How are things going for you? Someone has said, a day is wasted if you haven’t learnt a new thing on that day. What are the new things that you’ve learnt to do recently? After you accomplished those, how did you feel? Do share such with us.

While we enjoy experiencing doing a lot of new things or learning those, there are also some that we vow not to do again! Well, for various reasons, we realise and decide that we will not repeat such. That forms the premise of the WOW prompt today.
For today’s #WOW prompt, we want you to write about ‘I’ll never do _____ again, because…‘. Do share one or more things that you’ve decided not to do ever again and also let us know the reasons for it. It’ll be great to learn from each other’s experience and for all you know, this also gives perspective on not just what but why! 🙂
Kindly ensure that you submit your blogpost by Sunday midnight and win yourself a chance to display the wonderful WOW badge on your blog and social networks.
Do add this line in your blogpost, ‘This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.’ Click on the submit button below to submit your WOW entry. Do something new. Have a unapologetic weekend! 🙂

My Link –
My entry:
Like me, do you also remind yourself this?
Do read my poem to learn more.
Kind Karma-