Hello. Surprised a bit with the prompt? Looks like an essay topic? Well, this one is a bit special. One of our valuable reader, Amit Misra wrote to us and suggested we do a prompt for the #NationalScienceDay that was celebrated on Feb. 28. Good thought, we said. How many of you did know about such a day being celebebrated?

We all know about the progress science has made globally. At the same time, sometimes we wonder on why some countries haven’t been influenced much by this progress! Globally, we know how Indians occupy some key positions in the science and technology fraternity, yet we wonder on what are we doing to make the young generation more interested in science. Below is what Amit shared with us –
“Are we moving forward or backwards? While countries are travelling to planets and asteroids, we are engrossed in petty disputes and superstitions. What has happened to the rational Indian? Can India ever regain its past glory in science, technology and mathematics? Or would we sink in ever deeper pits of ignorance? This is the scientific age and India certainly cannot afford to lag behind. It is high time that science is given a chance in India. Come join us. Let’s talk science. At least for one day. Rather three days. Write a blog post on India And Science and tag #NationalScienceDay“
You can write about the interesting things/experiments that you did in science when you were young. What fascinated you the most and what does, even today? What can we do so that we can nurture young minds and help answer their curiosity? Do share with us your thoughts on how can India make even further progress in science and technology. The prompt may sound a little serious today, but well, if we can, even if just for a few days be thoughtful and write about it, it will help. Who knows a few young souls could get inspired by your writing and discovers more to feed his eagerness and questions.
Thank you Amit for writing to us and letting us know about National Science Day. Friends, apart from being a Ph.D in Physics, Amit is also very passionate about arts and loves playing harmonica! Find out more about him at https://pradyot.net/about/
Do ensure that you share your blogpost by Sunday midnight and win yourself a chance to display the famed WOW badge on your blog and social networks.
Do add this line in your blogpost, ‘This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.’ Click on the submit button below to submit your WOW entry. Discover something new. Have a scientific weekend! 🙂

My Entry: https://sreedharb.blogspot.com/2019/03/when-every-one-in-village-worshiped.html
India has a rich contribution to the scientific world. High time India earns the credit.
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