“If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.” – Mark Twain. Well, most of us would like to believe this and probably know that it is true, but how many actually practice this? What happens when you tell the truth?
We all speak lies. On some occasion, howsoever small it may be. A lot of us believe that telling lies that do not harm anyone, is ok. But really, is it ok? How difficult was it for you to speak the truth then? What happened next?
For the current edition of WOW, blog about a story of what happened when you attempted to tell the truth. Ensure that you use this line in your story, ‘When I Tell The Truth…’. It will be interesting to read what happens when you say things as they are. 🙂 We look forward to read your post.
Remember, you’ve time till Sunday midnight to share your post and win a chance to proudly display the WOW badge on your blog. We wish a great day today and a joyous weekend.
Request to add the mandate line mentioned below in your post. ‘This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.’ Click on the submit button below and share your WOW entry to be considered valid. Happy Blogging.
I wrote a story-poem this time 🙂
Do you tell the truth?
My take on the prompt
My Entry: https://sreedharb.blogspot.com/2018/10/no-doubt-god-originally-proposed-many.html
Results announced at https://adda.at/2C3lE14 – Wonderful posts. We enjoyed reading all. Thank you.