Urban Shots: Bright Lights

Another treat of Fiction stories from Urban Shots for you. 🙂 This book involves astonishing stories like that of an Indian kid who can name every American state in alphabetical order, a seven-year-old who wants to get married, a grouchy physics teacher with a love for literature, and likewise. You can read and review Urban Shots: Bright Lights, edited by Paritosh Uttam, under the Book Reviews Program. Read the overview of the book below.

Urban Shots Bright Lights Book Reviews

10 copies of this book are available for review.

Overview of the Book

Edited by bestselling author, Paritosh Uttam, this anthology offers snapshots of interesting characters in Urban India. The ten-year-old mathematics loving girl, haunted by memories of her dead mother; the man who buys expensive gifts for married women; an Indian kid who can name every American state in alphabetical order; a boy who knows more than he should about the extra–marital affairs of his parents; a baby with secrets of his own; the pesky Maami in the neighbourhood, with a cure for every ailment; the beefy sportsman with a peacock hairstyle; the seven-year-old who wants to get married; a retiree on his last day in a dead end job; the salesman who fails to meet his targets; the grouchy physics teacher with a love for literature; the chatty cab driver who was once a film maker; the philosophical mehndiwala on the sidewalk; a struggling artist in love with his fabled city; the retired pilot with life advice in the window seat and a lot more….

Know the Authors

Racy, compelling and heart rendering stories of urban lives and characters by popular writers such as Paritosh Uttam, R. Chandrasekar, Malathi Jaikumar, Ahmed Faiyaz and a number of popular bloggers and debutant writers.

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The review should be of 500+ words and should be posted on your blog within 7 days from the day you receive the book. The book has 204 pages. In your review, tell us about the story, the writing style of the author, main characters, their description, your likes, dislikes, expectations, etc.

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