Chicken Soup for the Soul: Teens Talk, Growing Up

After the wonderful Chicken Soup for the Indian Soul – Miracle Stories in the Book Reviews Program, we introduce to you Chicken Soup for the Soul: Teens Talk Growing Up for review! The most transforming age in ones life is probably the teenage life. You change emotionally, mentally and physically too. Some are rebellious, some are over ambitious, some adamant and some become extremely moody. You also have the maximum fun moments in this age. 🙂 All this is accounted in Teens Talk series, which you can read, travel back in time, and review on your blog! Read more!

We are giving away 10 copies of this book. Here’s the excerpt:

You’re neither child nor adult, your mind and your body are experiencing the strangest kinds of growth; rules are suddenly unbearable; the pocket money is never enough; any parental discipline makes you wonder if your mother and father love you at all; all authority is there only to be defied; you’ve never hated or loved so fiercely — yes, being a teenager is hard!

In Chicken Soup for the Indian Soul: Teens Talk Growing Up, adolescents can read stories written by other teens just like themselves, about the hardships, highs and heartbreaks they face every day — and the dilemma between being dramatically different from, as well as totally belonging to, the crowd. A collection that will encourage, inspire, and make you laugh, this book will show you that as tough as things can get, you are not alone!

Know the Author: An Economics professor, Aarti Katoch Pathak has had many avatars over the past decade: an IT professional, an avid traveller, and even teaching school children poetry and dance in Africa. However, her abiding passion (besides her two children), continues to be writing and exploring her literary skills. Her wonderful journey has led her from being published in various magazines and in many of the Chicken Soup for the Indian Soul titles to finally, this, compiling a Chicken Soup for the Indian Soul book! She looks forward to more.

Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen, #1 New York Times bestselling co-authors, are professional speakers who have dedicated their lives to enhancing the personal and professional development of others. They are co-authors of several New York Times bestsellers, including Chicken Soup for the Soul, Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul and Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul.

The review should be of 500+ words and should be posted on your blog within 7 days from the day you receive the book. In your review, tell us about the story, the writing style of the author, main characters, their description, your likes, dislikes, expectations, etc.

To be able to review this book, you need to be a registered member of BlogAdda and your blog should be submitted & approved by BlogAdda. You should also have signed up for this program. If you have already signed up then head over to let us know your interest in reviewing this book.

NOTE: Even if you have signed up for the book reviews program, you need to individually apply for reviewing every book that you are interested in. 

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