A very good afternoon to all of you. Our team crash landed from Bengaluru (Bangalore) this morning after attending one of the best Product Conclaves held in India – NASSCOM Product Conclave 09. Our team who were covering live from the event had only good things to say about the event. The organisers, speakers, moderators, panelists and the sessions were of the top quality. We have to specially mention and thank Sharad Sharma, Avinash Raghava, Vijay Rayapati and the whole team at NASSCOM Product Conclave for putting up a splendid show. Read more to find out what happened at the event …..
We landed at Bengaluru and were right in time for Guy Kawasaki’s keynote. We were given a warm welcome and the stage was set for one of the best product conclaves in India. We enjoyed attending and covering all the sessions and had a lot to take from each sessions. We also need to thank Neha, Aditya and Karan (the winners of our NASSCOM contest) for supporting us and covering this event. You guys did an awesome job. Some of the very interesting sessions from the product conclave where:
1. All the Keynotes – Guy Kawasaki was awesome to start with and Orna Berry was spectacular with so much insights about Israel and super tech product innovations of 2009 in her closing keynote at NASSCOM.
2. VC funding vs Bootstrapping –Naeem Zafar moderated this very interesting session with Ashish Gupta from Helion, Srikant Rao from Affordable Business Solutions, Swami Manohar from Limberlink Technologies and Dhiraj Kacker from Canvera
3. The art of writing a Business Plan – Awesome! Naeem Zafar, member of faculty, Haas Business School, University of California held everyone in a very interesting explanation on how to write a business plan. Even though this was immediately after a so-good lunch, everyone were wide awake and enjoying!
4. Technology Opportunities serving the millions of India – Moderated by Ramesh Ramanathan from Janalakshmi Microfinance. Ramesh moderated this session wonderfully with his great sense of humour.
5. Startup jobs for Dummies! Myths, facts and opportunities – Sanjay Swami from mChek moderated this session with Ashish Gupta from Helion, K J Singh from Tejas Networks, Kiran Anandam Pillai from OnMobile and Vishwanath Ramachandran from Webaroo
6. Building global consumer businesses out of India – Moderated by Maya Hari from StylKist with panelists including Pallav Nadhani from Infosoft Global, K Ganesh from Tutorvista, Narendra Bhandari from Intel Asia Pacific and Amit Ranjan from Slideshare. One of the best sessions.
Not to forget the tweetup with Guy Kawasaki where he was at his best. We have a lot to take from this event. For the benefit of the community, we present to you some of the best #gyaan from the event through blog, tweets and pictures. Have a look.
Quotable Tweets:
- @janakiramm: LOL #Apple is an anti-social social company – @GuyKawasaki
- @reachaditya Humor takes over the questions to which Guy doesn’t have an answer?
- @Neha1989: Services on cloud being tlked al ovr at the conclave. Cloud is in.Evn non techies inquire-Are U on cloud?
- @NASSCOM_PC Microsoft is a proven example for “Ship Then Test” principle @GuyKawasaki
- @spatni_extensio: My feet hurt after a full stand-up day at #nasscompc. If only I would rest, but the burst of energy is’nt letting me 🙂
- @NASSCOM_PC: While u r bootstrapping- @naeem adds a candid remark saying “only your mom might u give money not even dad”
- @janakiramm Looking a the Apple evangelist @GuyKawasaki ‘s Mac desktop, it doesn’t seem that he upgraded to Snow Leopard 🙂
- @LIVEadda: Quote of the day – Awesome! Business Plan is for YOU. No one reads it! 🙂
- @dorait: #nasscompc ashish: have a beer with your sales and figure out what their challenges are. Nice suggestion 🙂
- @amoghavarsha: Guy Kawasaki’s sense of humor is good. I think he should do a standup about startups #nasscompc
- @amnigos: When u have too much expectation from a session, it’s bad for your health :), Twitter session had too much expectation from Guy
- @avinashraghava: Sudhir from proto keeps promoting Etnow in the panel 🙂
The blogposts talking about the event:
- Why Kawasaki at NASSCOM?
- A M Sharma on his take from NASSCOM Product Conclave 2009
- Official Blog: NASSCOM Product Conclave 2009
- WATblog: Guy Kawasaki On Entrepreneurship & Twitter Marketing @ Nasscom Product Conclave
- Rajesh Jain on his panel at NASSCOM Product Conclave Panel on Telecom
- Wolf Frameworks PaaS awes the Indian CIO community at Nasscom Product Conclave 2009
- Scared to join a startup?
- Let us evangelize our dreams
- Cloud for Consumers in Japan and India
- Vibhore Sharma on attending NASSCOM
For live photos, videos and tweets, check out this dashboard on NASSCOM Product Conclave 2009
Presentations by Speakers
We were the official Blog Partners for the event and trust that you liked our coverage. This is amongst our constant endeavour to bring the best to the community. Follow us on twitter @blogadda for our day to day updates and @liveadda for live event updates.
Here are some <a href="http://pressreleases.theindianstartup.com/notes-on-the-nasscom-produc-conclave-bangalore-14.htm"notes on the Nasscom product conclave