When the Snow Melts

When the Snow Melts is a suspense thriller about a spook who is stuck between varied situations- his duty, his love and someone’s horrific death. We don’t want to be a spoil sport and kill the suspense for you, so read it and know it by yourself how the protagonist faces all circumstances as the plot very well revolves around number of issues such as terrorism, sleeper cells, religious fanaticism and spies. Fasten your seat belts and expect the unexpected!

10 copies of this book to be given away for review.

Overview of the book:

A spook!
His lady-love!
The al Qaeda!

The tale of a man caught between Love, duty, and a gruesome death at the hands of his captors!

Veteran spook Ritwik Kumar is sent by the Indian government to the Intelligence Assessment Group (IAG) in London, where intelligence agents from all over the world work together to fight global terrorism. The IAG has a few pet projects. Nabbing Osama bin Laden and Mullah Omar is one. Purging Pakistan’s secret service agency, the ISI, of rogue elements and fundamentalists, is another.

Despite years of working in Central Asia and Afganistan, things don’t go well for Ritwik at the IAG. Addiction to alcohol and gambling drive him to borrow heavily from loan sharks and even misappropriate office funds. When Ritwik’s senior officer, General West, gives him only a fortnight to return the money he has stolen, Ritwik defects to the al Qaeda. But he is a man who doesn’t easily fall in line and doesn’t share al Qaeda’s ideology.

Events take a turn for the worse not only for Ritwik but also for all those who come in contact with him. Even the beautiful Nilofer, who is married to the al Qaeda fanatic and one-man army Junaid, is not spared.

When the Snow Melts takes you through a dangerous world of diplomats, spies and fanatics, where appearances are deceptive, and danger lurks around every corner. With a mission to hunt down most-wanted terrorists in world history, the plot revolves around very contemporary issues like terrorism, sleeper cells, religious fanaticism and spies.

Know the Author:

Born in Kerala, Vinod Joseph is a Mumbai-based lawyer. Apart from corporate and banking law that keeps him busy, he is a keen long-distance runner, wine taster, and cricket- and film-aficionado. Vinod hones his story-telling skills by making up bed-time stories for his five-year-old daughter.

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