Winner Announcement: Ariel #ShareThe Load Activity

Gender equality is getting a lot of attention in recent times, and with good reason. Women have woken up to the fact that they have certain inalienable rights that they must be aware of. While gender women emancipation has found a lot of traction in the public space, the situation is far from ideal in households, where women end up doing most of the chores. Why? Because the assumption that women have the primary responsibility of chores like doing the laundry, cooking, cleaning dishes and keeping the house clean. In an attempt to change this age old belief, BlogAdda along with Ariel started the #ShareTheLoad activity, which aimed at blogging to stop the gender prejudices being passed on to the next generation. And now it’s time to announce the winners of the activity.


So here are the winning bloggers who win vouchers worth Rs. 1000 each!

  1. Felicia Nazareth
  2. Sarthak Brahma
  3. Ranjini.S
  4. Jaideep Khanduja
  5. Vishakha Sethi
  6. Umang Bhatia
  7. Jonty
  8. John Corlos
  9. Raj Vora
  10. SwethaVasu

Congratulations to all the winners. A huge thank you to all the bloggers who wrote for this activity, reinforcing the belief that the next generation will grow up with fewer gender prejudices and will #ShareTheLoad, regardless of gender!

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